5 ‘SNL’ Featured Players Who Never Made It to the Main Cast But Should Have

5 ‘SNL’ Featured Players Who Never Made It to the Main Cast But Should Have

“I felt like I couldn’t do well in that situation,” Ben Stiller told Howard Stern about his short tenure as a Saturday Night Live featured player. Stiller didn’t stick around long enough to get the promotion to full […]

23 of the Best Ensemble Casts in Movie History

23 of the Best Ensemble Casts in Movie History

Movie stars are kind of like chicken tenders: Even one is great, but the more, the merrier. Still, there’s an art to the ensemble cast. You can’t just throw a bunch of movie stars together all […]

5 Secret Rules Everyone Has to Follow on Airplanes

airline meal

You know that you’re not supposed to fire a pistol on an airplane. You know that you’re not supposed to use your phone during takeoff, even if you’re not quite sure why (no, it’s not […]

Martha Stewart on Ryan Reynolds: ‘Not So Funny in Real Life’

Martha Stewart on Ryan Reynolds: ‘Not So Funny in Real Life’

Ryan Reynolds is adorable! Whether he’s smirking through Mint Mobile commercials, buying up quaint Wales towns with superpal Rob McElhenney or decapitating faceless Marvel minions with a smart-ass quip, the actor is the face of self-satisfied charm. Who […]

20 Awesome Action Scenes From Non-Action Movies

20 Awesome Action Scenes From Non-Action Movies

Action movies get a bad rap for being brain candy for mindless babies who only like big car go fast and bomb boom boom, but there’s a lot of important storytelling that can happen during a chase sequence […]

Rob McElhenney’s Sister Recreated ‘The Nightman Cometh’ Entirely in Dog Costumes

Rob McElhenney’s Sister Recreated ‘The Nightman Cometh’ Entirely in Dog Costumes

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia creator Rob McElhenney has an equally creative sister who spent her Halloween dressing up her dog Scraps like every character from the hit off-off-off-Broadway musical “The Nightman Cometh,” even down to […]

‘Seinfeld’ Fans Are Hoping That the 4K Release Won’t Ruin the Show Like Netflix Did

‘Seinfeld’ Fans Are Hoping That the 4K Release Won’t Ruin the Show Like Netflix Did

Good news for anyone who’s ever longed to see every single pore on George Costanza’s face, all nine seasons of Seinfeld are going to be released on 4K Blu-ray this December, conveniently just in time for Festivus.  While […]

The Bleakest Video Game of All-Time Is Being Turned into an Action-Comedy

The Bleakest Video Game of All-Time Is Being Turned into an Action-Comedy

Movies based on video games haven’t had the best track record, lest we forget the Street Fighter disaster of 1994. But that may be changing.  The recent Chris Pratt Insults Italian-Americans (aka The Super Mario Bros. Movie) made over […]

This Halloween-Themed Sketch Is Keegan-Michael Key’s Favorite Kind of ‘Key & Peele’ Comedy

This Halloween-Themed Sketch Is Keegan-Michael Key’s Favorite Kind of ‘Key & Peele’ Comedy

Keegan-Michael Key’s all-time favorite Key & Peele sketch just happens to be Halloween-adjacent. “It’s such a silly sketch,” Key recently told PEOPLE. “It’s called ‘MJ Halloween.’” Play The premise is simple: Key plays Noah, a superfan who dresses up […]

Nobody Seems to Care About Finding Billy Crystal’s Lost ‘When Harry Met Sally’ Sweater

Nobody Seems to Care About Finding Billy Crystal’s Lost ‘When Harry Met Sally’ Sweater

Because “The Sixth Sense, but with the guy from City Slickers” might be a tough sell for a lot of TV viewers, Billy Crystal has been making the promotional rounds in support of his upcoming AppleTV+ […]

20 Hot People Hollywood Tried to Convince Us Were Ugly

20 Hot People Hollywood Tried to Convince Us Were Ugly

They don’t make ‘em like they used to, and by “them,” we mean character actors. A Steve Buscemi or Paul Giamatti could never find the same success if they were starting out today because they don’t have […]

22 of the Most Suspenseful Scenes in Movie History

22 of the Most Suspenseful Scenes in Movie History

More than any other emotion, there are levels of fear that are best experienced as a spectrum. Like, if you want a movie to make people happy, you obviously hire John Goodman, but you don’t really benefit […]