Nice ass: Jerzy Skolimowski on his donkey film that wowed Cannes | Movies

‘Ee-oh!” … one of the equine stars of EO.

In his rolling, sonorous, Polish-accented English, veteran director Jerzy Skolimowski explains how he became a donkey whisperer. “I make a very close bond with the animal,” he says. “Every time I was not doing anything […]

If Liverpool Sells, LeBron James Will Make A Nice Little Fortune

If Liverpool Sells, LeBron James Will Make A Nice Little Fortune

Since winning the NBA championship in 2020, LeBron James hasn’t had a ton of basketball success. Sure, Space Jam: A New Legacy earned $163.7 million at the box office, which isn’t terrible (though doesn’t look great […]

A Timeline of ‘Nice Guy’ James Corden Being Not-So-Nice

A Timeline of 'Nice Guy' James Corden Being Not-So-Nice

Continue Reading Below After the infamous clash between Corden and Sir Patrick Stewart at the 2010 Glamour Awards, which made neither star look remotely dignified, the media started to turn on Corden — a 2011 […]

A Timeline of ‘Nice Guy’ James Corden Being Not-So-Nice

A Timeline of 'Nice Guy' James Corden Being Not-So-Nice

Continue Reading Below After the infamous clash between Corden and Sir Patrick Stewart at the 2010 Glamour Awards, which made neither star look remotely dignified, the media started to turn on Corden — a 2011 […]

Would You Be a Harsh or Nice Talent Show Judge? Find Out With This Quiz


Shared from TALENTRECAP.COM Entertainment Quiz Greg Gayne/FOX Talent Show judges come from all different walks of life before appearing on some of our favorite shows. Each celebrity has a different background before judging, so […]