Ana de Armas’ Marilyn Monroe Biopic Blonde Gets NC-17 Rating

Ana de Armas' Marilyn Monroe Biopic Blonde Gets NC-17 Rating

The Motion Picture Association has officially slapped Blonde with an NC-17 rating, but that was no surprise to director Andrew Dominik. Director Andrew Dominik feels that it takes an NC-17 rating to most effectively tell […]

‘Lots of great actors are not exactly oil paintings’: Valérie Lemercier on her ‘horrifying’ Céline Dion biopic | Céline Dion

Valérie Lemercier as Aline Dieu

One of the words used most often to describe French actor and comedian Valérie Lemercier is “kooky”, but even that fails to fully encapsulate the plain weirdness of her latest film, Aline, just released in […]

Sailor Moon vs. Marvel’s Avengers: Who’s powerful enough to win

Sailor Moon vs. Iron Man

March 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the first airing of Sailor Moon in Japan. And over those three decades years, the Toei Animation manga adaptation has become one of the most popular and influential […]

“My Ferrari Can’t Go Through,” Jokes Sir Rod Stewart Whilst Filling In Potholes Near His Essex Home

“My Ferrari Can’t Go Through,” Jokes Sir Rod Stewart Whilst Filling In Potholes Near His Essex Home

Many of us can agree—potholes are a pain. For the car, for the driver, and for the pedestrians calmly walking on a rainy day only to be accidentally splashed by someone driving into a water-filled […]

See Retired Music Legend Linda Ronstadt Now at 75 — Best Life

Linda Ronstadt in 1977

Dubbed “the Queen of Rock,” Arizona-born Linda Ronstadt was, for a time in the late 1970s, one of the highest-paid women making music, according to The New Yorker. Throughout her five-decade, chart-topping career as a […]

Amy Poehler: ‘Parks and Rec is one of those comedies people medicate with’ | Documentary films

Desi Arnaz licks Lucille Ball’s face In I Love Lucy.

What’s your process to prepare for directing, and how does this compare with your past films? fionasack Well, Lucy and Desi is the first documentary I’ve directed. There’s tons of prep and research before you […]

Snazzy solidarity: is celebrity and fashion support for Ukraine crass? | Celebrity – Lifestyle | The Guardian

The Duchess and Duke of Cambridge visiting the Ukrainian Cultural Centre.

Shared from Over the past fortnight, the blue and yellow of the Ukrainian flag has become a familiar sight of solidarity – from stands at football stadiums to posts on social media. And now […]

Lost Ark March Update Patch Notes: Hunt for the Guardian Slayer Story and Raid Details – Video Game News | Breaking News Updates from Attack of the Fanboy


Shared from The March update for Lost Ark arrives on March 10, and here’s the full list of patch notes for the Hunt for the Guardian Slayer update. This is a huge content drop […]

At Melbourne fashion festival, models go barefoot for lack of Australian-made shoes | Australian fashion

Clothing from Maara Collective, featured in the Australian Made fashion film at Melbourne Fashion Festival

Shared from It’s unlikely the Cranbourne Royal Botanical Gardens will ever see anything like it again: a group of models, wearing designer clothes, wander its beautifully crafted Australian Garden. Clad in suits and gowns, […]

Joy, liberation and good boots: a beginner’s guide to multi-day hiking in Australia | Walking

The Northern Territory’s Jatbula Trail

Shared from There are plenty of reasons to take up hiking holidays, from getting some fresh air and exercise to untethering yourself from your devices. Done right, it can be a joyful and liberating […]

Tony Curtis Said Kissing Marilyn Monroe Was “Awful” — Best Life

Marilyn Monroe and Tony Curtis filming

Shared from It’s hard to imagine that with Marilyn Monroe being such a huge star and iconic blonde bombshell, any of her co-stars would have negative things to say about sharing a kissing scene with […]

Robert Pattinson Was ‘Shocked’ He Wasn’t Mocked More Over ‘Batman’ Casting

Shared from Before Robert Pattinson was officially announced as the next actor to don the famous cowl, there was already a petition with thousands of signatures urging DC to reconsider what seemed at the […]

Patrick Stewart: ‘I’d go straight home and drink until I passed out’ | Television

Shared from Patrick Stewart is slightly surprised to be talking about the impending second series of Star Trek: Picard, during a break from shooting the third in California. The reason is that he so […]