The Shocking Truth About Daniel Craig’s Cameo In Star Wars

Here’s the truth about Daniel Craig’s cameo in Star Wars

Here’s the truth about Daniel Craig’s cameo in Star Wars (Photo Credit – Instagram) It’s one of those blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moments, but James Bond, Daniel Craig, played a stormtrooper in The Force Awakens. Not just any […]

Lucasfilm Sued Over Peter Cushing Digital Likeness Recreation in STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE

Rogue One Peter cushing Star Wars

The issue of recreating the likenesses of dead actors is certainly one that is on the minds of many in the entertainment industry. In the most recent Alien: Romulus movie, for instance, the digital recreation […]

Darth Vader Voice, ‘Field Of Dreams’ Star, EGOT Winner

Darth Vader Voice, 'Field Of Dreams' Star, EGOT Winner

James Earl Jones, the revered actor who voiced Star Wars villain Darth Vader, starred in Field of Dreams and many other films and Broadway shows and is an EGOT winner, died this morning at his […]

James Earl Jones dies at 93 in New York home as Star Wars and Lion King legend remembered

James Earl Jones at the 2017 Tony Awards in New York City

JAMES Earl Jones has died at age 93. The iconic actor, known for his roles in The Lion King, Field of Dreams, Star Wars, and more, died on Monday morning at his home in New […]

Universal Announces JURASSIC WORLD REBIRTH Heading to Theaters 2025

Youtube Video

Smoldering husks of trilogies can’t even cool off these days before studios announce a new chapter. The money train keeps a-chugging. When your last three movies have all surpassed the $1 billion mark, it’s hard […]

ALIEN: ROMULUS Resurrects the Discussion of Ethics in Using Actors’ Likenesses

Alien Romulus trailer image

Like it or not (and I’m largely in the “not” category), we live in an age of “legacy” sequel/prequels. Those are pseudo-remakes of beloved but rather old franchise movies, feasting on the nostalgia for people […]

20 Fictional Characters That Deserve Their Own Spin-Offs

20 Fictional Characters That Deserve Their Own Spin-Offs

Fictional worlds are full of colorful side characters because, deep down, the writers know protagonists are boring as hell. Like, what did Harry Potter ever do besides almost get killed a bunch of times? Did Jon Snow […]