Kevin Federline Reacts To Britney Spears’ Pregnancy Like A True Ex-Husband

Britney Spears and Sam Asghari attend the 29th Annual GLAAD Media Awards in 2018.

We’re sure Kevin Federline will send Britney Spears the least expensive bouquet of congratulatory carnations he can find — once his latest child support check clears. Federline — who is most famous for being Spears’ […]

World Reacts To Smith Vs Rock; BAFTA TV Time – Deadline

Will Smith Chris Rock

Afternoon all, Max Goldbart here looking back on quite a week. Lots to digest so the Insider has you covered. Read on. Smith Vs Rock: The Fallout “The Slap Heard Around The World”: Once a […]

Wolf Van Halen Reacts to Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Changing Son’s Name

Wolf Van Halen Reacts to Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Changing Son's Name

“THANK F–K” Wolf Van Halen is breathing a sigh of relief after Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott announced they changed their newborn son’s name from Wolf. The 31-year-old bassist and son of the late Eddie […]

Kanye West Reacts To 2018 Pete Davidson SNL Clip – BuzzFeed – Celebrity

Shared from “This is not harassment, this is payback.” David Livingston / Getty Images, Nbc / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images For context: In 2018, Pete Davidson discussed Kanye’s mental health on Weekend […]