Rise and shine: bringing an old bakery back to life | Interiors – Lifestyle | The Guardian

Cooking up a storm: Nicola Helgesen and Andreas Bleckmann in the kitchen. Nicola was a fashion designer before she made the move to the south coast, and has now created a business, Oldtownhaus, that sells vintage and antique objects that fit in with the aesthetic of their home. Andreas is a photographer.

Shared from www.theguardian.com Nicola Helgesen’s love for old buildings and objects was formed as a child, visiting her grandmother’s “crumbly flint cottage” on the north Norfolk coast. She recalls how “the smell was old and […]

Google plans to change Android app tracking in a bid to improve user privacy – CNN.com – RSS Channel – App Tech Section

Shared from www.cnn.com Google said Wednesday that it is launching a multi-year effort to build privacy-focused advertising solutions that will limit the sharing of user data with third parties. These solutions will operate without the […]