New UFO Documentary To Reveal ‘Unprecedented’ Information

alien abduction spaceship and UFO with cow in field

iStockphoto Upcoming UFO documentary The Age of the Disclosure is touting unprecedented access to secret government information regarding unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). 34 current and former high-ranking members of the United States government, military, and […]

‘UFO Revolution’ Journalist Says UAP Investigation Eroding Trust in Congress


Play video content Unidentified Aerial Phenomena have some people diving deep into aliens and others learning about the capabilities of advanced tech … and, most importantly, deconstructing Congress’ lies, according to journalist Jeremy Corbell. […]

Pentagon’s Latest UFO Report Confirms 21 Unexplained Sightings

UFO over White House

iStockphoto According to the Pentagon’s latest report from the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), they received 757 eyewitness reports of UFOs (or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), as is now the official government term for UFOs) […]

Incredible flying saucer jet boat created with an interior fit for aliens – and it glows like a UFO at night too

AN inventor has gone viral on YouTube after making his very on UFO-style jet boat. The incredible creation even glows in the night like an ominous extraterrestrial visitor gliding across water. 6 Flying saucer jet […]