Acolyte’s Master may not be a Sith if this Knight of Ren theory is true

Mae (Amandla Stenberg) standing and looking at the Master up close, with a red light saber between them

Ever since George Lucas claimed the “echoes” between his original and prequel Star Wars trilogies were “poetry,” the mega-franchise has faced criticism of trapping characters in an everything-is-connected universe. When Kid Anakin is building C-3PO […]

The biggest summer box office hits in US history

The biggest summer box office hits in US history

Casino Bonus CA surveyed the history of all summer-released blockbusters and found the top 10 that made the most money domestically using The Numbers. – Sunset Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images Jake Kring-Schreifels The birth of […]

20 Fictional Characters That Deserve Their Own Spin-Offs

20 Fictional Characters That Deserve Their Own Spin-Offs

Fictional worlds are full of colorful side characters because, deep down, the writers know protagonists are boring as hell. Like, what did Harry Potter ever do besides almost get killed a bunch of times? Did Jon Snow […]

‘The Acolyte’ Worst-Reviewed Project In ‘Star Wars’ History

jedis in star wars the acolyte

Disney While the arc of Star Wars quality has been trending downward since 2019 with the release of the truly abysmal sequel-trilogy-capper Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the iconic franchise might have finally bottomed out with […]

Sequel to the Hit 1987 Space Opera Parody Confirmed With THIS Actor In The Lead

Spaceballs 2: Sequel to the Hit 1987 Space Opera Parody is Confirmed

Spaceballs 2: Sequel to the Hit 1987 Space Opera Parody is Confirmed. (Photo Credit – Amazon Prime) 37 years after the release of Spaceballs, the sequel to the space opera parody film has been confirmed. […]

23 Movies That Took People’s ‘Crying at the Movies’ Virginity

23 Movies That Took People’s ‘Crying at the Movies’ Virginity

Art is supposed to make you feel, but crying at the movies is a complicated identity issue. Some brag that not even the most devastating dog death can make them shed a tear, while others are unabashed […]