How a European colour revolution brought us the humble Christmas card | Art and design

Boot out … woman’s boots, English, 1870s, Manchester Art Gallery.

What would Christmas be without the humble Christmas card? It’s hard to think of a more quintessentially British seasonal tradition than propping up colourful bits of stiff paper on your mantelpiece, but in fact we […]

Soundtrack Loops, Cherry Audio Team Up for ‘Humble Bundle’

Soundtrack Loops, Cherry Audio power charitable Humble Bundle (Photo Credit: Humble Bundle)

Photo Credit: Humble Bundle Soundtrack Loops produces royalty-free samples, loops, and music for films, creative artists, beat makers, producers, DJs, and music lovers. The company recently announced a charitable partnership with Cherry Audio to create […]

ODESZA Share the Humble Roots of Their Visual Inspiration for “The Last Goodbye” –


It was their most personal record yet, but despite their profound sense of attachment to The Last Goodbye, and the resources at their disposal, ODESZA simply couldn’t quite find the aesthetic to bring it all […]