The best speakers, headphones, and gear for listening to music

Five different homescreens from a single phone.

Hi, friends! Welcome to Installer No. 73, your guide to the best and Verge-iest stuff in the world. (If you’re new here, welcome, belated happy Pokémon Day, and also you can read all the old […]

9 Easy Tricks to Make Your Treadmill Workout Fly By — Best Life

Senior man running on treadmill while listening to music

Under the worst of circumstances, your treadmill workout can be both absolutely exhausting and unbearably boring, setting you up for a daily struggle. But don’t abandon your exercise routine just yet—the benefits are too big […]

SNL50 on Peacock is a treasure trove of comedy history

SNL50 on Peacock is a treasure trove of comedy history

Hi, friends! Welcome to Installer No. 71, your guide to the best and Verge-iest stuff in the world. (If you’re new here, welcome, happy long weekend to all those allowed to celebrate, and also you […]