‘Community at its absolute worst’: revisiting the horror of the Salem witch trials | Art

Cotton Mather – The Wonders of the Invisible World, 1693.

“The Salem witch trials are an example of a community at its absolute worst.” This is what Anna Danzinger Halperin, associate director of the Center for Women’s History at the New-York Historical Society, answered when […]

Shawn Mendes Had An Absolute Blast Celebrating 24th Birthday With The Weeknd & Kaytranada In Miami

Shawn Mendes celebrates 24th b'day with The Weeknd in Miami

Shawn Mendes celebrates 24th b’day with The Weeknd in Miami(Pic Credit: Instagram) Singer Shawn Mendes had an absolute blast on his 24th birthday. The Grammy Award nominee, who turned a year older on Monday, kicked […]