Will Smith Names the Movie That TRUMPS Everything (It’s This Tearjerker!)

Will Smith Reveals His Best Movie That Made His Career Ahead Of Bad Boys: Ride Or Die Release

Will Smith Reveals His Best Movie That Made His Career Ahead Of Bad Boys: Ride Or Die Release ( Photo Credit – Instagram ) Bad Boys: Ride or Die has finally rolled up the curtains […]

Stephen A. Believes Will Smith Owes Black Community An Apology

stephen a smith will smith

The Stephen A. Smith Show/Sony Pictures While the box office numbers for Bad Boys: Ride or Die suggest that movie-going audiences are ready to forgive Will Smtih, Stephen A. Smith is not. During a recent […]

Will Smith’s ‘Bad Boys 4’ leads the box office with $56 million debut

Two cops stand, stupefied.

Two years after his infamous Oscars meltdown, Will Smith has slapped away lingering doubts about his career comeback. A rare bright spot in the sluggish summer box office, the action-comedy “Bad Boys: Ride or Die” […]

Will Smith Says ‘I Am Legend’ Dog Co-Star Was A “Brilliant Actress”

I am Legend

Although some advise against working with animals, Will Smith is fondly remembering his time with man’s best co-star. The Academy Award winner reminisced about his canine scene partner Abbey from the 2007 movie I Am […]

Will Smith pokes fun at Oscars slap as he gets hit repeatedly by Bad Boys 4 co-star Martin Lawrence in action scene

Will Smith's character is hit repeatedly in Bad Boys: Ride or Die

WILL Smith might be poking fun at his infamous incident at the 2022 Oscars in his newest movie. During a scene in Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Will’s character is slapped repeatedly in the face […]

Bad Boys Actor Reveals He Was Once “Broke Broke” After Not Paying Taxes For 2 Years

Will Smith's Net Worth Revealed As Bad Boys Actor Recalls He Was Once "Broke Broke" After Not Paying Taxes For 2 Years

Will Smith’s Net Worth Revealed. (Photo Credit – Instagram) Will Smith has been one of the highest-paid actors in the world for years, with a net worth that can buy a couple of nice suites […]

Will Smith Reveals Studio Was Against Casting His Son Jaden In Pursuit Of Happyness. Here’s Why

Will Smith Reveals Studio Was Against Casting His Son Jaden In Pursuit Of Happyness

Will Smith Weighns In On Nepotism Controversy. (Photo Credit – Instagram) In a recent podcast interview, Will Smith set the record straight on the widespread belief that his son secured his first film role for […]

Michael B. Jordan Confirms I AM LEGEND 2 Script in Progress, Will Smith Will Return

split image of will smith in i am legend and michael b jordan in black panther they will star in a sequel film

A while ago, sci-fi/apocalypse fans were hype about the possibility of an I Am Legend sequel with Will Smith reprising his role alongside ( the wildly attractive) Michael B. Jordan. (Be still my beating heart!) […]