The Wandering Earth II review: a sci-fi blockbuster takes a dark turn

A man stands in a dark, chilly-looking room in front of an immense blackboard covered with mathematical symbols and formulae, dimly lit by a single shaft of light, in The Wandering Earth II

To successfully imitate the kind of mega-budget worldwide blockbuster most closely associated with Hollywood productions, filmmaker Frant Gwo literally went global. 2019’s The Wandering Earth, a sci-fi disaster adventure that became one of China’s biggest-ever […]

Strange World review: Disney’s epic sci-fi looks amazing but feels odd

in a scene from Strange World, a teenage boy looks out at a wondrous landscape, where everything is pink, orange, and red; there are floating rockscapes and clouds covering them

While Disney musicals have traditionally been a slam dunk for audience success, the animation studio’s other movies — the buddy comedies, the action-adventures, the science fiction epics — are bigger risks with varying returns. Zootopia […]