10 Best Horror Movie Remakes, Ranked

People like to poo-poo remakes of any kind. “Phooey and pshaw!,” they seem to say with their words. Well, ever hear of a little movie called Star Wars? That’s a remake of The Hidden Fortress […]
People like to poo-poo remakes of any kind. “Phooey and pshaw!,” they seem to say with their words. Well, ever hear of a little movie called Star Wars? That’s a remake of The Hidden Fortress […]
For very good reasons, every beloved animated feature from your childhood is getting the live-action treatment by modern Hollywood. After all, if kids love fantasy worlds full of sights and sounds the likes of which they could […]
Television needs to stop rolling out Charles Dickens adaptations – and this is coming from someone whose lockdown project was writing an Oliver Twist prequel about Nancy (binned after three chapters due to insufficient oom-pah-pah). […]
What’s the record for the fastest remake? What is the least amount of time in which film studios have conspired to bring almost exactly the same movie back to the big screen? There was the […]