‘Fallout’ is fun, but ‘Nuclear War: A Scenario’ paints a nightmare

A ghoul in a cowboy hat in a desolate landscape.

In her new research-based what-if book “Nuclear War: A Scenario,” Pulitzer Prize finalist Annie Jacobsen reveals how a nuclear holocaust would play out in real time. She uses startling facts most citizens outside the military-industrial […]

X-Men’s Professor X finally ended nuclear war in the Marvel universe

Professor X pronounces judgement on Mister Sinister before the quiet council, while his narration muses on how he has the power to control the minds of the entire world — every time humans act in hate, he muses “I know that I could have stopped it. I am complicit. I have a secret. There will never be a nuclear war,” in Immortal X-Men #10 (2023).

Patrick Stewart is an indisputably correct choice for the role of Professor X. But between audiences knowing him as the kindly paterfamilias of space opera and the X-Men movies going with a somewhat softer Xavier, […]