‘The Franchise’ intricately balances Hollywood satire and humanity

Two men and a woman in fantastical-looking clothes in a scene from "The Franchise."

The entertainment industry has long made itself a ripe subject for satire, from such classic Hollywood movies as “Sullivan’s Travels” and “Singin’ in the Rain” through affectionate (Truffaut’s “Day for Night”) and cynical (Altman’s “The […]

Zendaya’s Sports Drama Passes With Flying Colors As Critics Call It “Intricately Plotted & Breathlessly Stylish”

Challengers Early Reviews Revealed

Zendaya Led Challengers Receive Positive Reviews Ahead Of Its Theatrical Release. (Photo Credit – IMDb) Zendaya-led Challengers has received positive reviews from critics, and it will have an amazing impact on its theatrical release, which […]