Nature Calls: Behold the 2022 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Finalists

Nature Calls: Behold the 2022 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Finalists

Per the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards’ website, the competition was founded by nature photographer Paul Joynson-Hicks in 2015 when he had the idea to promote some of the goofiest photographs he had in his portfolio […]

Why Comedy Wunderkind Dane Cook Fell Out Of The Limelight

Dane Cook is seen from the chest up in gray pinstriped blazer over white dress shirt

Dane Cook’s comedic career was in overdrive during the 2000s. His album Retaliation went double platinum and hit #4 on the Billboard general chart in 2005, a rare milestone for a comic. He sold out […]

Halloween Ends, Netflix’s new horror comedy, and every new movie to watch

Laurie Strode hides behind a corner as Michael Myers approaches in Halloween Ends.

Spooky season is in full swing, but that doesn’t mean your only options for a movie night in are scary ones. Only most of them. The good news is, they seem pretty good! Halloween Ends […]

Kate Berlant and the one-woman show to end all one-woman shows | Comedy

Kate Berlant in Kate.

Even if you were only remotely involved in the making of Don’t Worry Darling, Olivia Wilde’s sophomore film as director whose behind-the-scenes brouhaha has dominated the past month’s show business news cycle, there was no […]