Best Underground Metal Releases of January 2023

Best Underground Metal Releases of January 2023

Mining Metal is a monthly column from Heavy Consequence contributing writers Langdon Hickman and Colin Dempsey. The focus is on noteworthy new music emerging from the non-mainstream metal scene, highlighting releases from small and independent labels — or even releases from unsigned acts.

Looking back on 2022, three bands dominated what little coverage metal receives outside its usual carnival. Chat Pile, Undeath, and Dream Unending were everywhere, and rightfully so. Three young bands in three disparate styles dropping bombshells all within a few months of each other doesn’t happen often, and it practically never gets the coverage those three groups earned last year. Their stellar records highlighted metal’s best eccentricities through vastly different sounds broadcast from distinct regions. Oklahoma City, New York, and the nebulous ether betwixt astral projection and the conscious mind all waved metal’s flag proudly, signaling onlookers to visit and stay a while.

That was in 2022 though. This is the new year, and as played out as they are, New Year’s resolutions are fun. Doubters lambast them, saying that if the resolutions were worth sticking to, they wouldn’t need a calendar change to inspire them. However, not only are doubters no fun, but our brains are hard-wired to seek solace and comfort, two elements that are scarce in the realm of lifestyle changes, new habits, or disemboweled death metal. There’s just so much excitement nuzzled within new beginnings. Oftentimes change comes at the environment’s whim. We change because we must, rarely because we want to. There’s power in electing to change, to motivate ourselves to evolve from what we once were. That’s the thought process that’s kept metal vibrant throughout its lifespan — its raging desire to differentiate itself from its prior identity, whether that’s through improving upon itself or dismissing all that came before it.

That being said, metal’s New Year’s resolution needn’t reach for the stars as Undeath, Dream Unending, and Chat Pile did. There’s a lightning-in-a-bottle aspect to crossover coverage that you can’t consciously manifest, else lightning strikes you in the middle of a soccer field. Truthfully, I cannot prescribe a resolution to an entire genre. I’m not a doctor nor am I omnipotent enough to bend the direction 50 years of music has taken and will travel onwards. Instead, I implore everyone to make a change. Step outside the comfort zone protecting you from seabears. Dive into the strangest releases or, if you’re already accustomed to the abstract, listen to metal so traditional Manowar would stick their noses up to it. These aren’t the only lanes you can take to expand your intake, they’re merely suggestions.

With that taken care of, let’s move on to our suggestions and recommendations. Despite January’s usual dearth of quality releases, there were more than a fair few worthwhile metal albums that dropped during it. We’ve also deemed releases from December viable because last month’s column reflected upon 2022 as a whole. Enjoy pilfering through our picks from metal’s favorite season as you prepare for Valentine’s Day.

— Colin Dempsey

(Tapping mic: Is this thing on? Hey all, it’s Langdon. Just wanted to pop in for those of you who read these intros for a shout out to a great record we missed from last year: Klang Shreit Nicht’s Erbauliche Andacht, an operatic goth metal record that has more in common with Virus and Van Buens Ende than Moonspell or Nightwish. Sometimes we find these things late too, but this one’s too good not to point out. Anyway, on with the show!)

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