Is Frank Iero Teasing His Brand New Band? – News

Is Frank Iero Teasing His Brand New Band? - News

You’re going to be seeing the name lsdunes in a lot of places very soon, it seems.

Whilst in Europe with My Chemical Romance a few months ago, Frank Iero posted a statement that included information pointing towards him starting a new band whilst talking about his surgery recovery.

Here’s that statement in full:

“6 months ago i had my second surgery to remove a spanning plate and 8 screws from my right wrist after falling from a ladder and breaking it in 10 places. If i’m being honest, between this new injury and the tear in my shoulder from my australian accident i truly didn’t know if i would ever be able to play guitar again…but i never let those words come out of my mouth.

Since that surgery i have recorded a new mychem song, a full length with a new band that will probably be announced in the next few months, and played sold out stadiums with some of my best friends in the entire world.

Nothing worth doing is easy, but anything is possible. Thank you for my dreams come true. Keep the faith, sometimes it’s all we got. xofrnk”

And it seems as though that new band is starting to pick up speed, if this teaser is anything to go by. 

A Twitter account for something called lsdunes, which the bio simply states is ‘A Band.’, has posted a short clip, which briefly flashes up with Frank’s face. 

It is accompanied by one statement, “Hello, I’m not sure if you remember me? We connected a long time ago.”

It’s vague but intriguing. Here’s to whatever comes next:

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