Internet Comedian DESTROYS ‘Heckler’ for, Uh, Sitting Quietly With His Arms Crossed

Internet Comedian DESTROYS ‘Heckler’ for, Uh, Sitting Quietly With His Arms Crossed

It’s pretty embarrassing, though, when the only funny line in a “Heckler Destruction” video comes from the heckler himself — in Singh’s video, the unnamed audience member’s response to the burn of “You look like you read a lot of books” with the comeback of “Yeah, I wish I was reading one right now,” is the closest it comes to cleverness. Singh’s “roast” was just a montage of two-months-late Queen Elizabeth jokes that made no apparent impression on the stone-faced Brit who dared to quietly look at his own hand and do nothing at all to interrupt the experience for the rest of the audience.

The video achieved Singh’s goal of virality, but the online reaction to the unimpressive exchange has been mostly negative. Most commenters on TikTok, Reddit and YouTube have echoed the sentiment that Singh’s meltdown made the “heckler” look better than himself. “Imagine being owned by someone that said and did nothing,” wrote one YouTube user, which is a better roast than anything Singh is capable of writing. 

Though the reception has been negative, the internet hasn’t been nearly as vindictive toward Singh as he was toward his silent “heckler.” After all, the best way to get under Singh’s skin is to just sit there quietly and ignore him. 

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