I worked in a nursery – five things parents did to annoy us including how many kids REALLY turn up with pooey nappies

Chloe worked in a nursery for 11 years, and has opened up about the downsides of her job

A WOMAN who worked in a nursery for 11 years has revealed the five things parents did that wound her up the most.

Chloe is now an up and coming influencer, but before she made a name for herself on social media, she worked in childcare.


Chloe worked in a nursery for 11 years, and has opened up about the downsides of her jobCredit: tiktok/@glowybychloe
Chloe hated when parents sent their children into nursery in dirty nappies


Chloe hated when parents sent their children into nursery in dirty nappiesCredit: Getty – Contributor

And in a video on TikTok, Chloe opened up about some of the downsides of her former job.

First off, dungarees.

“Look I’m not saying that dungarees aren’t cute-looking because they look so cute,” she said.

“But when you’ve got 15 nappies to change in a certain amount of time, dungarees are just not suitable.”

In the same vein, poppers were equally annoying.

“Then if you had done one the wrong way, you used to have to restart the whole thing,” she sighed.

“It used to make a nappy change so long!”

Likewise, pullups – “another situation that used to make the nappy change a bit of a longer process”.

But one of the most annoying things about her job was when parents sent their kids in in dirty nappies.

“Now don’t get me wrong – children sometimes do their accidents on the way to nursery, things like that,” she said.

“But when parents used to think on purpose, ‘Nah the nursery can do that’.

“It wasn’t even annoying for the staff, it’s more like that’s really upsetting for your child, that you’re just going to leave them in that mess because you can’t be bothered to change their nappy.

“And honestly, you would be surprised how much this used to actually happen.”

Chloe added: “If you’re watching this and you are someone that does do this, be careful because it will be taken further – it’s a safeguarding issue.

“Don’t get me wrong – no-one likes to change pooey nappies, but it’s part of the job role!”

Concluding her list, Chloe slammed “rude parents, or even rude staff”.

“Some parents would come in and just have so much attitude with us,” she recalled.

“And I just think, we’re literally looking after your child.

“Don’t be rude to us or horrible to us, we are just trying to care for your child.

“When parents used to come in all the time like they absolutely hated us, for no reason, it just wasn’t enjoyable for any of the party.

“And you don’t want to be that parent that everyone thinks, ‘Ugggh, I’ve got to see them’.

“It’s not nice!”

And people in the comments section were quick to agree, with one writing: “Done it for over 10 years.. you’re not wrong.

“Can we also talk about Huggies wipes, worst ever!”

“I remember being a nurse teacher, when parents use to throw their child in and say we’re potty training today, and they’ve tried one day at home,” another added.

“The struggles!” Chloe replied.

“As someone who worked in childcare for a while, I agree with everything you’ve said,” a third commented.

While someone else wrote: “I work in a nursery and I HATE PULL-UPS!”

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