How to fix TikTok’s’ no internet connection’ error

TikTok logo on phone

Published: 2022-11-05T12:34:28

Updated: 2022-11-05T12:34:38

If you have received a ‘no network connection’ error on TikTok, there are a few ways you can try to fix it — here’s everything you need to know.

Millions of users flock to TikTok every day to browse their For You Pages, and interact with the ever-growing number of videos available from different creators across the platform.

However, when using the app, you may occasionally bump into a glitch or an error message, and it may not be immediately apparent how to fix it.

One error that users keep encountering is the ‘no internet connection’ or ‘no network connection’ error, which means that you are unable to watch videos, upload videos of your own, or otherwise interact with the app.

If you have received this error message on TikTok, here are some methods you can try that might help resolve the issue.

Unsplash: Olivier Bergeron

TikTok is used by millions each day.

How to fix ‘no internet connection’ error on TikTok

If you and many others are receiving the ‘no internet connection’ error simultaneously, the issue is more likely to be on TikTok’s end rather than your own. This means that it may just be a case of waiting for TikTok to fix the issue, but generally, this doesn’t take too long.

If you are the only one who seems to be experiencing the issue, or the error message is persisting, here are some things you can try:

  • Check your device’s internet connection — If other apps on your device also can’t connect to the internet, then the issue is likely with your device’s connection to the internet, or with the source of your internet connection, so you will have to resolve this issue first before you can browse TikTok again.
  • Delete and reinstall the app — This is an old trick, but it often ends up resolving any persistent issues that don’t seem to have a cause. Try deleting and then downloading the app to your device again. Note: If you delete the app, it will automatically delete your saved drafts.
  • Update your app and device — It’s always worth ensuring that TikTok is updated to the latest version, as new updates may include bug issues for persistent errors.
  • Contact TikTok support — If you are still getting the error, then you can contact TikTok support via their Twitter account or the Help Center so that they are able to help you resolve the issue.

If you want to learn more about how to use TikTok, you can check out our other guides here:

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