Cobra Kai Creators Plan More Karate Kid Spinoff Stories

After season 6, more Miyagiverse to come, as Cobra Kai creators Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz, and Hayden Schlossberg shared a joint message today saying that they want to make more Karate Kid spinoff stories.

Today, Netflix dropped the big announcement that Cobra Kai season 6 is coming, and it will be the end of series. However, this may not be the end of the “Miyagiverse,” as Cobra Kai creators Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz, and Hayden Schlossberg shared a joint message today saying that they want to make “more Karate Kid stories,” suggesting another spinoff could eventually arrive.

The message comes with playful “All Valley Tournament Committee” letterhead, and it is meant as a letter of retrospection and gratitude from the Cobra Kai creators, for being able to spend six seasons with characters in a universe that they love. They are appreciative to their cast and to the fans alike, and the whole letter is a feel-good moment. However, the part we really care about is at the end, when they tease the future of the franchise.

“While this may be a bittersweet day for the fandom, the Miyagiverse has never been stronger,” the Cobra Kai creators said, and they continued, “This fandom is the BEST on the planet and we hope to be telling more Karate Kid stories with you down the line. Because as we all know, Cobra Kai Never Dies.”

Hope for a New Karate Kid Spinoff from the Cobra Kai Creators

This isn’t the first time that the Cobra Kai creators have expressed interest in doing another Karate Kid spinoff, but it’s encouraging to see this thought officially written down in a letter that has a Netflix logo on it. In the meantime, Cobra Kai season 6 is “coming soon,” and there is also a new Karate Kid movie in the works that is seemingly totally unrelated to the show and the people making it.

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