China Added A Weird New Ending To Minions: Rise Of Gru

China Added A Weird New Ending To Minions: Rise Of Gru

The ending of Rise Of Gru, as intended, features Gru and a character named Wild Knuckles setting off into the sunset to be evil for the foreseeable future, after Wild Knuckles fakes his own death. Apparently, the message that the villains won was unacceptable. Even though this is a Minions movie, meaning it’s about a group of little yellow guys whose job is to work for the world’s most evil person. Also that it’s a prequel about the titular supervillain, which kind of requires him to make it out of the movie.

Universal Studios

I’m told this is Gru.

Chinese censors did not care about any of that. Chinese viewers of Rise Of Gru will instead be treated to an alternate ending: text title cards that say that Wild Knuckles is in jail now and Gru has 3 kids and is a great dad who doesn’t do bad stuff anymore. To be precise, it says that Gru returned to his family and that his greatest accomplishment is being the father to his three girls. They just straight up iMovie’d in that Gru is actually good. Real “Poochie Died On The Way Back To His Home Planet” vibes.

Usually, Chinese censorship carries a backstory that’s entirely unfun to think about. However, this one I think we can all enjoy just for the bold-faced, all-caps “NO” spirit of it. Not to mention we are now treated to a strange alternate universe. The universe of Papa Gru and his three delightful daughters, while the Minions, we have to assume, have sought out someone else evil to assist. Probably Hitler.

Top Image: Pixabay/Universal Studios

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