A Lady Sif and Beta Ray Bill Series: Why Not?

A Lady Sif and Beta Ray Bill Series: Why Not?

This is been a point of discussion for a while, but it’s one that a lot of MCU fans, well, a good number of them anyway, are still adamant about since Lady Sif has done something her Norse counterpart didn’t manage to do centuries before, and that’s to take an active role in the tales of Asgard and how they interact with Midgard or earth. While Jaimie Alexander has been a part of Thor’s story since the first movie, it would appear that she wants to take on a bigger role in the MCU, and it does sound like it would be a fair move since she’s been a fun character to watch considering that she’s one of the toughest women in the franchise and should be given the chance to shine. People have been hoping for something like this to happen for a while now and there’s no reason that it shouldn’t considering that the MCU has been pushing heroes and villains that haven’t been around as long as Sif. Her time is a bit overdue at this time since she’s been around for decades now.

The same could be said about Beta Ray Bill since the hero has tangled with some of the toughest enemies in the Marvel Universe and has been a great deal of help to Thor and his allies over the years.  He’s been placed in several dangerous situations as another that’s worthy of holding Mjolnir and calling upon the same power that Thor has used for so long. He was even used in the animated version of Planet Hulk when the green giant crash-landed on Sakaar after being exiled from the earth by the Illuminati, who were hoping to send him to a world where he wouldn’t do any more damage. He showed that he’s capable of holding his own against the Hulk and that he’s a character that could be a great asset in any upcoming crossover that might occur, so it’s easy to feel that a series would be a great way to prove it before putting him in a feature that would be less forgiving. 

Together, Sif and Beta Ray Bill would be an insanely powerful duo to see in the MCU, and it would no doubt be a way to explain where she’s been in the MCU at this time, as she’s only had cameos up to this point over the past few years. She would have been a great asset in Endgame, but apparently, that wasn’t in the cards. But if Beta Ray does come to the MCU it feels as though allowing Keith David his wish to voice the character would be a great idea. It does feel as though Bill would need to be a mix between practical effects and CGI since his character is kind of a tough one to go entirely practical with while still maintaining the overall look that Bill is known for. It’s been stated that the skeleton of one of his kind was seen in the opening of The Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1, which is easy enough to see, but he was also represented in Thor: Ragnarok when his countenance was seen as a sculpture in the Grandmaster’s tower. So in all honesty, Bill has earned his spot in the MCU at this time, and it would be great to see him show up finally. 

What adventure might be given to these two is hard to say since it doesn’t sound as though there’s a plan in place yet. The reason for thinking this way is that Jaimie Alexander has been getting vocal about the idea and has been pushing it for a bit. If there were an idea in play it’s fair to say that she wouldn’t be allowed to do such a thing since the MCU has made it a habit to keep things under wraps as much as possible. There are always bound to be those that will push the idea that the MCU is being sneaky by allowing word of something to sit in the eyes of the public under the idea that it might not happen. But in this case, it feels as though the MCU has yet to consider this series as a solid idea, and it’s even more apparent that until someone does take it seriously, Alexander will need to keep waiting and pushing. 

On one hand, there is the idea that Sif and Beta Ray Bill are coming into a very changed MCU that has been altered in a big way that their characters will need to adjust to. Plus, one has to wonder how the Blip affected both of them since now that it’s happened, this one huge event is going to continually affect everything else. But it would be great to see these two enter the MCU since it would give the franchise another power duo that could take on some of the heavier challenges that are there to be faced. 

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