5 Reasons Inferno Could Work in the MCU

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credit: Marvel Comics

The idea of bringing the X-Men into the MCU is one that a lot of people are still hoping will come to fruition in the next few years, and it’s fair to assume that this will happen eventually. But trying to guess which storyline will be used to bring the mutants is hard to figure out since two of the best storylines have already been used in regard to the team.

The Dark Phoenix saga and the Age of Apocalypse were extremely underwhelming as most fans know that both eras took several issues to resolve, which means that seeing them on screen might have been more effective had they been spread out and less smashed together as they were.

There are a few other stories that could be used to bring the X-Men into the MCU, but one that doesn’t appear to have been considered yet is actually one of the more vicious and immersive stories since Inferno was one of those that involved other heroes across the Marvel Universe, even if the main part of the story focused more intently on the mutant teams. 

Here are five reasons why Inferno would work in the MCU. 

5. It’s another great way to bring the X-Men into the MCU and leaves room for other stories. 

There are a lot of different stories that could lead into Inferno and several that could be constructed after it. Plus, the overall saga could last for at least three or four movies and not even hit its full stride until the second or third movie if given the type of director that could make such a thing happen.

There is a great deal to this story that a lot of people might discount for one reason or another, but the many different elements that went into the making of this tale could be enough to sustain it and introduce more mutants than the initial story brought into focus. It would be a nice way to welcome the X-Men as well. 

4. Adding in heroes other than the X-Men could create a seriously immersive experience. 

Given that this saga takes place largely in New York, it’s fair to think that a lot of heroes could be included in this story, and it would be fun to see them interact with the X-Men. Of course, it does stand to reason that a lot of people would ask where the mutants had been all this time.

There are ways to explain this since the various mutant teams have dealt with a great deal of persecution over the years, and it’s not too hard to think that they would have been minding their own business or dealing with their own problems. But seeing them interact with other heroes and villains would be another great way to let them in. 

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credit: Marvel Comics

3. It’s one of the X-Men’s most intense stories. 

There are a lot of different ideas in this saga that could be used to show the sheer intensity that the X-Men have to deal with on a regular basis. Out of many of the heroes in the Marvel Universe, they’ve had to put with a lot, and the fact that a lot of characters that were affected by this tale thought it was little more than a shared hallucination could be made to work in a big way.

On top of that, bringing the X-Men into the MCU with a story that’s fit to slap the sensibilities of a lot of people might be what the MCU needs to make certain that fans believe that they still have some sort of an edge. 

2. This could introduce a lot of characters over a period of time. 

Considering how many characters there are in the various X-Men, X-Force, and X-Factor comics, it’s fair to think that the Inferno saga could help to introduce a lot of new faces that people might like to see. There have been mentions and cameos used to introduce various characters in the past, but this could help people get used to them and perhaps even understand why it would be a good idea to keep them around. The various mutants in the Marvel Universe are great in number, and yet they get so little play that one can’t help but think that it might be better if they were given their own movies to develop. 

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credit: Marvel Comics

1. It could easily be the next big saga that the MCU needs. 

It’s very likely that not a lot of people would agree since, at the moment, the MCU appears to be stuck in the midst of a very woke era that doesn’t appear bound to end at any given time. With Wakanda Forever coming up and a lot of other ideas getting pushed first, it would appear that the X-Men are still going to be keeping the back burner warm. 

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