15 Trivia Tidbits About Randy Marsh

15 Trivia Tidbits About Randy Marsh

Randy’s Use of the N-Word Was the Subject of a Real CNN Segment

The episode “With Apologies to Jesse Jackson” opens with Randy yelling out the N-word on Wheel of Fortune, which inspired a real-life segment on CNN. The episode was defended by Kovon and Jill Flowers, the co-founders of the group Abolish the “N” Word, who stated at the time: “This show, in its own comedic way, is helping to educate people about the power of this word and how it feels to have hate language directed at you.”

The Show Once Acknowledged That Randy Had Become a ‘One-Note’ Character

In South Park: The Streaming Wars Part 2Randy makes the meta acknowledgment that his character has changed significantly over the years, going from a respected intellectual to an emotionally turbulent buffoon — and he does it all through song.

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