Athos Salome, also known as the “Living Nostradamus,” has revealed several of his prophecies for 2025. And they’re not great.
Salome, a Brazilian parapsychologist, has supposedly predicted numerous major world events in the past correctly, including the global pandemic of 2019-2020 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He also claims that many of his predictions for 2024 have come true as well, including the arrival of an asteroid “abundant in rich materials” which would send China, Russia and the United States into a renewed space race.
So, since we have already heard from blind mystic Baba Vanga, the Nostradamus of the Balkans, as well as Nostradamus himself, let’s see what the “Living Nostradamus” believes will happen in 2025.
Athos Salome tells The Daily Star that “2025 will be the year when clandestine genetic experiments come to light, exposing genetically modified human beings.” He says these “improved” humans will cause a further separation of social classes.
The world-renowned psychic also predicts a global incident will expose the autonomy of artificial intelligence (AI). At some point in 2025, he claims, AI “will be able to make irreversible decisions in sensitive areas such as cyber security and transport.”
2025 will also, according to the Brazilian “prophet,” be when national governments finally officially admit to the existence of alien life. They will also finally be called out for possessing underground bases and technologies such as gravitational propulsion and other direct energy systems, triggering “global protests against militarization and the lack of transparency.”
The “Living Nostradamus” also claims a global energy crisis “will be used as a means of control by 2025” and “great powers, therefore, will utilize the crisis to reassert the relevance of fossil fuels to the global community.”
Speaking of manipulation by the powers-that-be, Athos Salome foresees subdermal monitoring technologies, such as implantable chips, becoming commonplace under the guise of being advances in personal health and security. He also claims geoengineering will cause unprecedented climate disasters, such as hurricanes and droughts, which will then be used for military and economic purposes.