The Office: 15 Actors Considered For The Role Of Michael Scott

Steve buscemi 30 Rock

Stanley freaking Tucci. While it seems as though Tucci will give an A+ performance no matter the role he is in, this would be an interesting one to see. Tucci appears to inhabit his characters fully so who knows if he could pull off Michael Scott? 8/10 for curiosity. 

Jon Favreau

I can actually see this one. Jon Favreau most likely would’ve lacked some of the sweetness that Carrell brought to the role, but I think he would’ve made up for it with having a more realistic look at a hard a** boss. 7.5/10

Steve Buscemi


I see it now, Steve Buscemi as Michael Scott attempting to steal the copier from the Nashua branch. Steve Buschemi showing up to Pam’s art show and offering her a Chunky. Buscemi has a great mix of comedy and serious roles in his back pocket and might just pull it off. 8.5/10.

John C. Reilly

John C Reilly Walk Hard

Columbia Pictures

Just 10/10. I mean c’mon right? John C. Reilly has always found such a sweet spot in between comedy and drama, just like Steve Carrell. I think the show would have turned out the most similar if Reilly had joined the cast, and how legendary would those Will Ferrell episodes be?

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Top Image: Castle Rock Entertainment

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