Jennifer Aniston Shares The Secret To Her Wellness Routine

Vital Proteins unflavored collagen peptides

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There’s no denying that 53-year-old Friends alum Jennifer Aniston is simply ageless. From her blemish-free, glowing skin to her voluminous flowy locks, she ‌is‌ ‌slaying‌ ‌her‌ ‌self-care‌ ‌routine.

Of course, a solid diet and exercise regime, along with her favorite skincare products, are all part of Aniston’s regimen. But the A-list beauty has another secret weapon in her wellness arsenal keeping her aging in check. ‌

Aniston‌ ‌hasn’t been shy about sharing her passion for collagen and its beauty and health‌ ‌benefits. ‌Often referred to as the glue that holds everything together, collagen helps maintain strong skin, bones, and connective tissues. That all sounds pretty essential, doesn’t it? 

She’s a true believer. The actress became the chief creative officer for Vital Proteins, America’s No. 1 collagen brand. ‌In recent days, Aniston took to Instagram to share with fans how she incorporates Vital Proteins’ products into her daily routine. 

What Keeps Jennifer Aniston Vital?

“What keeps me vital? Nowadays the simple things are vital,” Aniston explains in her Instagram clip. Gratitude is an essential element of well-being for the actress. She starts by touching on appreciating the little things in life. “A good cup of coffee, silent mode, the morning walks with the dogs, friends are vital,” she says.

“When the pressure mounts, breath is vital,” she affirms. “Beyond that is movement, rest, and Vital Proteins.”

In the clip’s final moments, she again expresses gratitude for life’s most precious moments and ‌good health. “Every moment is vital because you are vital,” Aniston said.

Throughout the clip, Anston shows fans how she incorporates Vital Proteins into her wellness routine. ‌

In the mornings, she drinks Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides with her coffee. In addition, the Morning Show actress enjoys a Vital Proteins smoothie with chocolate Collagen Peptides for lunch and relishes a Vital Performance bar with protein and collagen for an evening snack.

We believe wellness is important, too, just like Aniston. Every moment is vital, so discover ways to incorporate Vital Proteins into your wellness routine. 

Our Top Picks From Vital Proteins

1. Collagen Peptides

(Vital Proteins)

A scoop of Collagen Peptides can be added to virtually any food. It’s so easy to incorporate‌ ‌into‌ ‌your‌ ‌diet. ‌In‌ ‌fact,‌ ‌Collagen Peptides are one of the first products Aniston reaches for‌ ‌when she‌ ‌needs‌ ‌a‌ ‌collagen‌ ‌boost. 

“My go-to collagen routine is adding Vital Proteins Collagen Peptide in my morning coffee or smoothie—so easy to use,” Aniston shares. 

Aside from boasting some impressive ingredients like hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, this powerhouse formula also supports healthy hair, nails, skin, bones,‌ ‌and‌ ‌joints.

2. Collagen Creamer

Vital Proteins vanilla collagen creamer
(Vital Proteins)

Jennifer Aniston has mentioned before her love of adding collagen to her morning coffee, and an easy (and tasty) way to do that is with Vital Proteins Collagen Creamer. Available in vanilla, coconut, and mocha, this dairy-free powdered creamer is made from organic coconut milk powder, which offers a healthy dose of Medium Chain Triglycerides in addition to the 10 grams of collagen per serving.

3. Vital Performance Protein Bar

Vital Proteins vanilla coconut protein bars.
(Vital Proteins)

Vital‌ ‌Performance‌ ‌Protein ‌Bars‌ ‌provide convenient nutrition on the go! ‌Vital‌ ‌Protein‌s’ ‌bars are dairy- and gluten-free. They only‌ contain ‌2 ‌to‌ ‌3 grams‌ ‌of‌ ‌sugar‌ ‌per‌ ‌bar. ‌In addition, each bar contains an impressive 20 grams of protein ‌and‌ ‌10‌ ‌grams‌ ‌of‌ ‌collagen‌ ‌peptides.

  • Shop all flavors of Vital Performance Protein Bars at Amazon or the new collab with Jennifer Aniston available soon at Vital Proteins.

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