Jerry Jones, Dallas Cowboys
Wikimedia Commons: Keith Allison
A lot of digital ink has been spilled over the guy we’ve compared to Jon Voight’s character in Varsity Blues and who also told Varsity Blues to f**k off. To his credit, he is a man who is authentically himself as an NFL owner. Problem is, to be authentically yourself as an NFL owner, you have to show a willingness to profit off of human suffering, act like someone who uses the word “tycoon” on positively and on purpose, and maybe chuck in some casual racism while you’re at it.
Related: 15 Sports Franchises That Are More Like Bullies (And Why)
Dan Snyder, Washington Commanders
It could only end with this loser. What a pathetic, sad person. It took years before the slur name was changed, and even then they dragged their feet. Washington Football team? Good Lord. He probably loves that we’re ending on Cowboys vs. Slur We Don’t Say because it harkens back to some idealized, segregated United States. Definitely not a lovable eccentric.
Listen to Chris vent his frustration at Bulls-and-White-Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf on Twitter.