Even though it was a big flop, oddly, much of BASKEketball is still relevant today – no, not the casual racism, rampant sexism, and constant homophobic and transphobic gags, but some of the satirical jabs at the commercialization of pro-sports are still pertinent in 2022. Take the joke about the depressing future of corporate naming rights for stadiums; while there’s no Preparation H Arena in real life (yet) –
Universal Pictures
– corporate-backed stadium name changes are going to increasingly weird places; even as cryptocurrencies are crashing, Los Angeles is now home to the “Crypto.com Arena,” which some critics have decried as “lame.” Meanwhile, the Chicago White Sox play at “Guaranteed Rate Field,” and the less said about the “KFC Yum! Center,” the better since it’s both a grammatical nightmare and way less accurate than calling it, say, the “KFC Why did I eat that, where’s the nearest bathroom, oh no it’s too late! Center.”
BASEketball also questioned the “excessive celebration” of athletes, as evidenced by a quick scene in which an entire football team does an Irish jig, since making fun of Riverdance and/or Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance was always slam dunk for ‘90s comedies.