Fans Race to Leslie Jones’ Defense After Comedian Threatens to Stop Recapping the Olympics  – Entertainment Archives – Atlanta Black Star

Fans Race to Leslie Jones’ Defense After Comedian Threatens to Stop Recapping the Olympics 

Shared from Entertainment Archives – Atlanta Black Star The hilariously funny commentary provided by actress Leslie Jones during the Olympic Games may be no more after the comedian revealed that she is rethinking doing her […]

The Guardian view on fashion in politics: how to rewrite the style guide | Editorial – Fashion | The Guardian

Miles Davis onstage c1959.

Shared from Fashion | The Guardian Virginia Woolf pinned it to “on or about” December 1910: the date at which human nature changed. “All human relations have shifted,” she wrote. “And when human relations change […]

87 Best Gender Neutral Names – Lifestyle – The VOU

Top 10 Gender Neutral Names

Shared from Lifestyle – The VOU Non-Binary & Unisex Names Are Trending In 2022! Gender neutral names are unisex by nature, meaning you can give them to girls and boys as well. In this article, […]