Steven Soderbergh’s Presence challenges the found-footage horror movie

Chloe (Callina Liang), a forlorn-looking teenager, stands by a window in an unfurnished room and looks at the closet, where an unseen presence lurks in Presence

The blowout success of 1999’s The Blair Witch Project really did a number on the horror genre. It wasn’t the first faux-found-footage movie, or even the first found-footage horror movie. But it landed during a […]

Steven Soderbergh’s PRESENCE Trailer Reveals a Haunted House Story From a Supernatural POV

Youtube Video

Steven Soderbergh, the director behind such iconic films as Contagion, Ocean’s 11, and Traffic, has mostly been releasing movies to streaming only since 2018. But next year, his latest film will play on theater screens […]

Steven Soderbergh’s Ghost Movie Presence Gets Teaser Trailer

Steven Soderbergh's Ghost Movie Presence Gets Teaser Trailer

Steven Soderbergh’s new film, Presence, has received a mysterious teaser trailer ahead of its theatrical release on January 17th, 2025. Watch it below. Presence is a psychological thriller that centers around the Payne family — portrayed by Lucy […]