Elon Musk – The “Official” Richest Person In The World – Believes Vladimir Putin Is “Significantly Richer” Than He Is

Elon Musk vs Vladimir Putin

As I type this article, Elon Musk’s $250 billion net worth makes him “officially” the richest person in the world. Unofficially, Elon believes he is actually the SECOND richest person in the world. The world’s […]

If Vladimir Putin Really Is Worth $200 Billion, He Just Became The Richest Person In The World… Thanks To His Own Chaos

Vladimir Putin Richest Person in the World

Shared from www.celebritynetworth.com Most global political experts would agree that Vladimir Putin is a ruthless dictator who is hell-bent on exacting revenge on his enemies. We see that playing out in real-time right now with […]