Selena Quintanilla Estate Announces Posthumous Album With Previously Unheard Recordings

Selena: Moonchild Mixes

The Selena Quintanilla estate has announced the release of Moonchild Mixes, a posthumous collection of songs featuring digital alterations of vocals the late Tejano singer recorded as a teenager. The album is due out August […]

Kasabian: The Alchemist’s Euphoria review – first album minus Tom Meighan goes for broke | Kasabian

Kasabian: The Alchemist’s Euphoria album cover.

Kasabian always seemed dependent on the chemistry between Serge Pizzorno and Tom Meighan. Pizzorno wasn’t exactly Thom Yorke, pushing the band into wildly uncommercial directions and trusting the audience to follow, but thanks to his […]

Whitmer Thomas Announces The Older I Get the Funnier I Was, 2022 Tour

Whitmer Thomas The Older I Get The Funnier I Was album artwork Rigamarole

Whitmer Thomas has unveiled his new album, The Older I Get the Funnier I Was, as the follow-up to his March EP Can’t Believe You’re Happy Here. It was produced by Jay Som’s Melina Duterte […]

‘Batgirl’ Star Leslie Grace Speaks After Movie Unexpectedly Scrapped

Leslie Grace has weighed in on the abrupt and unexpected shelving of HBO Max’s Batgirl movie, expressing her thanks and pride at what she and the “incredible cast and tireless crew” created. “Querida familia!” the […]

Al Pacino Had An A+ Reaction After Trying Guy Fieri’s Food For First TIme

Al Pacino Had An A+ Reaction After Trying Guy Fieri's Food For First TIme

Getty Image The celebrity news cycle is filled with stories that make it easier to tell yourself you have more in common with rich and famous people than you might think; Chris Evans refusing to […]

John Hughes Movie Soundtrack Box Set: Life Moves Pretty Fast

john hughes soundtrack box set life moves pretty fast artwork

The iconic ’80s movies of John Hughes wouldn’t have been the same without their equally iconic soundtracks. Now, you can get musical highlights from the films in a box set called Life Moves Pretty Fast: […]

Kim Kardashian reveals her body fat percentage in shocking test results after fans insist star has gotten ‘too thin

Kim Kardashian revealed her body fat percentage amid concern about her weight

KIM Kardashian has shocked fans, revealing her body fat percentage amid claims that she has gotten too thin and taken dieting too far. The reality star revealed in May that she had gone on an […]