Why Did Scarlett Johansson Replace Samantha Morton In Her? Here’s What We Know About The Shocking Reason

Here’s Why Scarlett Johansson Replaced Samantha Morton In Her

Reason Why Scarlett Johansson Replaced Samantha Morton In Her (Photo Credit – Instagram) Sometimes, even the best creative visions need a do-over. In the case of Spike Jonze’s Her—Samantha, the ultra-intelligent OS—was recast after the […]

On my radar: Samantha Morton’s cultural highlights | Samantha Morton

A small girl on a bike stands next to a man working under a car

The actor Samantha Morton was born in Nottingham in 1977 and had a turbulent childhood, spending nine years in and out of foster care. At 13, she joined the Central Junior Television Workshop and in […]

Royal Biographer Andrew Morton Reveals The 1 Scene He’s Surprised ‘The Crown’ Didn’t Cover

Morton posing after the publication of his book, "Diana: Her True Story," in October 1992.

Andrew Morton, the royal biographer who catapulted to fame after collaborating with Princess Diana on a groundbreaking biography, has a special connection to the latest season of “The Crown” ― he’s portrayed in it. Actor […]