‘Community at its absolute worst’: revisiting the horror of the Salem witch trials | Art

Cotton Mather – The Wonders of the Invisible World, 1693.

“The Salem witch trials are an example of a community at its absolute worst.” This is what Anna Danzinger Halperin, associate director of the Center for Women’s History at the New-York Historical Society, answered when […]

Taissa Farmiga Is All Set To Returns As Sister Irene In The Horror Franchise

Taissa Farmiga returns for 'The Nun 2'

Taissa Farmiga returns for ‘The Nun 2′(Photo Credit –Instagram) Actress Taissa Farmiga, who played the role of sister Irene in the 2018 horror movie ‘Nun’, is all set to return in the second installment of […]

Marvel’s Werewolf by Night revealed in secret screening — and it’s pure horror

The corpse of Ulysses Bloodstone, propped upright in his coffin, in Werewolf By Night

Attendees at the 2022 Fantastic Fest film festival in Austin, Texas were the first to see Marvel’s hour-long black-and-white Halloween special Werewolf by Night on Sunday night, at one of the film festival’s Secret Screenings. […]