Writer-Director Adam J. Graves ‘Anuja’ Interview

Ananya Shanbhag and Sajda Pathan interview

Editors note: Since solidifying its place on the Oscar shortlist and being nominated for Best Live Action Short Film, Anjua is now streaming on Netflix. Check out Deadline’s interview with writer-director Adam J. Graves that originally […]

Writer-Director Adam J. Graves ‘Anuja’ Interview

Ananya Shanbhag and Sajda Pathan interview

In Adam J. Graves and Suchitra Mattai’s Anuja, resilience in the face of hardship is the central heartbeat. The short film, doubling as both a heartwarming tribute to sisterhood and as a social awareness campaign […]

TikToker leaves internet torn by cleaning up “abandoned” graves with a smile

TikToker leaves internet torn by cleaning up “abandoned” graves with a smile

A TikTok has divided the internet after posting multiple videos of herself smiling as she cleans up “abandoned” graves. TikTok has become a place where all sorts of content exist, including money-saving hacks, music trends, […]

Watch: BRUCE DICKINSON Joined By Choir For ‘Rain On The Graves’ Performance At SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL

Watch: TALISMAN Reunites For Special Performance At 2024 SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL

On Saturday, June 8, IRON MAIDEN singer Bruce Dickinson was joined by the Hårdrockskören choir from Stockholm for his solo band’s performance of the song “Rain On The Graves” at this year’s Sweden Rock Festival […]