‘Alien’ CryptoPunk NFT Sells For $16 Million, Leads To Jokes

Getty Image / Cindy Ord Someone has just spent over $16 million hard-earned US dollars on an NFT in 2024, a rare ‘alien’ CryptoPunk NFT that was 1 of 9 ‘Alien CyrptoPunks’. 1 of 9! […]
Getty Image / Cindy Ord Someone has just spent over $16 million hard-earned US dollars on an NFT in 2024, a rare ‘alien’ CryptoPunk NFT that was 1 of 9 ‘Alien CyrptoPunks’. 1 of 9! […]
CryptoPunks are the most prestigious collection in the NFT world, and early adopters have made some life-changing amounts of money from selling theirs — but not as much as popular entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk could be […]