Taylor Swift Gave Out $197 MILLION In Bonuses To Performers And Crew During The “Eras Tour”

Taylor Swift Gave Out $197 MILLION In Bonuses To Performers And Crew During The "Eras Tour"

Taylor Swift’s massively successful “Eras Tour” has finally drawn to a close, allowing Swift to cement her position as not just the biggest pop star today but one of the biggest of all time. And […]

Taylor Swift Gave Nearly $200M in Bonuses to Eras Tour Crew


Billionaire pop queen Taylor Swift rewarded her Eras Tour crew with seriously applause-worthy bonus checks. Just how much extra scratch did Swift’s crew pick up for being a part of her record-breaking $2,077,618,725 in ticket sales […]

Taylor Swift Eras Tour Employees Get $197 Million In Bonuses

Taylor Swift performs onstage during Eras Tour at Rogers Centre

Getty Image Taylor Swift doled out some gigantic bonuses to her employees on The Eras Tour with reports of her handing out $197 million. The tour, which consisted of 149 shows over 21 months, reportedly […]

Drake Proposes Spotify Offer Bonuses to Artists for Streaming Thresholds

Drake Spotify bonus

Photo Credit: Felipe Pelaquim Drake is the first artist to reach 75 billion streams on Spotify. Now the rapper says the platform should offer bonuses to artists who reach streaming thresholds—like athletes. Drake made the […]