Jonah Hill Initially ‘Hated’ Actor Who Played McLovin In ‘Superbad’

Jonah Hill Initially 'Hated' Actor Who Played McLovin In 'Superbad'

Sony Hollywood had a long history of pumping out films that attempt to capture the essence of the high school experience, and you can tell a lot about a person based on the movies they […]

Jack Black Recalls Watching The First Cut Of His Debut Film & Thought He Was A ‘Horrible’ Actor

Jack Black Used To Think He Was A 'Horrible' Actor When He Started Out

Jack Black Used To Think He Was A ‘Horrible’ Actor When He Started Out ( Photo Credit – Jack Black / Instagram ) Actor Jack Black, who is enjoying a decades-long career in Hollywood starring […]

Squid Game’s Lee Jung-Jae To Make His Marvel Debut? The Actor Clarifies The Rumours!

Squid Game Actor Lee Jung-Jae Speaks On Speculations Around Him Joining Marvel

Squid Game Actor Lee Jung-Jae Rumoured To Join Marvel(Photo Credit–Instagram/Twitter) Rumours have been afloat that Squid Game star Lee Jung-Jae might be in talks for his Marvel debut. One would know that most of the […]

“Star Wars” Actor Says He Still Gets Death Threats Over His Character

Jar Jar Binks in

In 1999, audiences met a new Star Wars addition who would soon become one of most hated movie characters of all time: Jar Jar Binks. The CGI character first appeared in Star Wars: Episode I […]

Nichelle Nichols, Pioneering ‘Star Trek’ Actor, Dies At 89

Nichols as Lt. Nyota Uhura and William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk in the Star Trek episode "Journey to Babel," originally broadcast on Nov. 17, 1967.

Pioneering “Star Trek” actor and space exploration advocate Nichelle Nichols died Saturday in Silver City, New Mexico. She was 89. Her death was first announced by her son, Kyle Johnson, on Facebook and later confirmed […]

Chris Hemsworth’s Salary Revealed! Actor Received $20 Million, Much More Than What He Got For His First Appearance As God Of Thunder!

Chris Hemsworth Received A Whopping $20 Million For Thor: Love And Thunder

Here’s The Massive Remuneration Chris Hemsworth Received For Thor: Love And Thunder(Photo Credit–Poster) Chris Hemsworth starrer Thor: Love and Thunder, the next chapter in Marvel Cinematic Universe finally hit the big screen. Being part of […]