Actress Tracy Ellis Ross is showing followers exactly how she gets her incredibly toned and strong physique. The Blackish star shared a video of herself doing a leg and glutes workout, wearing purple leggings and a lilac crop top over a sports bra. “One more before 2024,” she captioned the post. Ross is 51 and seems to be aging in reverse—here’s what her diet, exercise, and wellness regimen looks like.

Ross starts her day with supplements and lemon water. “This is going to sound strange but I use my tongue scraper before I drink any water or eat,” she told Vogue. “Then I like to have a glass of lemon water and take my supplements. I will also usually go and work out, and beforehand will try and eat something – you’re supposed to eat a little sugar, like apple sauce or something, and then take a protein shake after. I’m not a coffee drinker, so I don’t have a major morning routine, nor do I have kids or a dog right now – so it’s all about me.”
Ross is a long-time devotee of the Tracy Anderson Method. “I am still a Tracy Anderson fiend – what I love about Tracy Anderson is the studio and the absolutely insane heat,” she told Vogue. “It’s like 97 degrees, so it’s like a sweat box. The music is so loud, and it’s the best environment because you can’t think. You’re just in your body and it’s really hard but what I love about it is you feel so beautiful, sexy, long and strong – and that’s all the things I want to feel. You feel connected to your body – you can’t do Tracy Anderson if you don’t have the mind-body connection. During the pandemic, I also started going regularly to Rise Movement, which is a private gym – we do weight training. They use a lot of movement that reminds me of what you used to do when you were a kid; it’s using your own body. We push a sled, throw a ball, and things like that, rather than using gym equipment. It’s functional movement. I love that.”
Ross has come to better appreciate her body and her looks with each year. “Growing up? I was pretty contentious. Because of that, I have worked very hard to hold a different kind of space in my relationship with my body,” she told Glamour UK. “I was an athlete growing up. I am very conscious aesthetically. I modeled all through high school and so I constantly was trying to look skinny and I look back and I’m probably too skinny. And I’m like, ‘what were you thinking? What is happening?’ And I know what it took. I did not eat a lot and I love food. I don’t suggest that at all. I’m now very supportive of my body. I really do my best to not let that self-talk that happens in this dangerous neighborhood of our minds full of compare and despair take over.”

Cooking is Ross’s love language. “I love cooking for my family — my siblings, my mom,” she told PEOPLE. “I love cooking for myself, too. One of the ways that I actively love myself is by cooking. I love grilling salmon, steak, all those things. I’m a big salad maker. I love crushing Brazilian nuts and putting them over everything — quinoa dishes. Putting it over a salad instead of putting meat on it.”
Ross loves to start her day with a gentle bath. “I meditate. I haven’t been as diligent recently because the pandemic messed with my routine, but I am very much one of those people,” she told Vogue. “I also do gyrotonics and gyrokinesis – it’s sort of a connection to the body. I really believe that staying connected to my body is where I gain a sense of wholeness for myself. My biggest [self-care ritual] is a bath – I love them. I will take a bath at 5.30 in the morning, before work. I put magnesium flakes in because I work out so much. A really hot bath is a great gentle start to the day, and I also do this thing where I stand up in the bath and do a full cold rinse with the shower. It’s really good for you.”