Who Went Home on ‘Big Brother’? Week 4 Had Another Blindside (Spoilers)

SPOILER ALERT – Do not continue reading if you don’t want to know what happened on Big Brother’s latest episode!

Yet another blindside happened on this week’s episode of Big Brother and four people have now left the game.

Monte was the Head of Household this week, which meant that his two “Festie Bestie” partners Terrance and Joseph were both safe. He decided to put Indy and Alyssa on the block, but said that they weren’t his targets.

The Leftovers alliance came up with a plan to keep the nominations the same so that they could use the non-evicted houseguest to become Michael and Brittany‘s third bestie, ensuring that all members of the alliance had a bestie who was not in their alliance. This would make sure that none of them would go home if they didn’t win HOH.

Click inside to find out what happened next, which foiled that plan…

Daniel and Kyle won the Power of Veto and Daniel (who is not in The Leftovers) was told not to use the veto, which made him want to actually use it. He took Indy and Alyssa off the block in hopes of having Nicole and Taylor on the block as replacement nominees.

What Daniel didn’t know is that Taylor has the votes to stay in the game and his BFF Nicole would actually be the real target.

So, who went home?

Nicole was evicted by a vote of 9-1.

Nicole Layog

Nicole Layog

Age: 41
Hometown/Current City: Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Occupation: Private chef

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