What We Know About HBO Max’s Batman Extended Universe – Cracked.com | Articles

Joe Barton tweet reading: "Yeah man, personally wouldn't be that interested in remaking a show that ended like 5 minutes ago"

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According to Reeves, Gotham PD will take place during Batman’s first year of Batmanning (making it a prequel to The Batman) and will follow a corrupt cop on a “battle for his soul.” Per Warner Bros.’ official description, the show will “build upon the film’s examination of the anatomy of corruption in Gotham City” — all this emphasis on “corruption” kinda gives us the impression that this will be a dense drama about what a bureaucratic nightmare this city must be, like The Wire but with actual WMDs.

As for whether Jeffrey Wright’s Commissioner Gordon will appear: well-connected Batfan Kevin Smith claims the character plays a big role, to the point that “it’s like the Jim Gordon show.” There have been no official announcements about Wright joining the cast, though, so maybe Gordon will be standing just off-camera in every scene or have his face covered by convenient pieces of scenery. By the way, if the sole mention of a Commissioner Gordon series is already giving you Gotham flashbacks, rest easy: Barton called the shows “very different” and said he “wouldn’t be that interested in remaking a show that ended like 5 minutes ago” in a now-deleted tweet.  


Hopefully, he didn’t delete it because HBO decided to do exactly that. 

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