What to watch: 7 movies & shows to stream

What to watch: 7 movies & shows to stream

There’s a lot of stuff to stream nowadays. In hopes of helping you watch more good movies and TV, every week we sum up some of the most exciting titles streaming across all platforms. Today we recommend a mix of new releases and newly available titles, from movies and shows, all available to stream on the most popular platforms.

Pachinko (Apple TV)

Based on Min Jin Lee’s incredible novel of the same name, “Pachinko” follows one Korean family across generations, with a primary focus on Sunja, a woman who immigrates to Japan in the early 1900’s.

Bridgerton (Netflix)

The new season of the super successful Netflix series is back. The show follows the Bridgertons, a large aristocratic family from the Regency era in London, with each season focuson on a different sibling and their love lives. Season two focuses on Anthony, the eldest son of the family, and his love triangle with his wife-to-be and her sister, Kate Sheffield.

Starstruck (HBO Max)

The HBO Max series returns for a second season, continuing the story of Jessie (Rose Metafeo) and Tom (Nikesh Patel), who have a one-night stand that turns into more. The twist: Jessie is a nobody and Tom is a famous actor.

Olivia Rodrigo: driving home 2 u (Disney+)

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