Watch Nicolas Cage as a freaky vampire in ‘Renfield’ trailer

Renfield still

Nicolas Cage’s turn as a vampire has been heavily anticipated. The actor, known for picking dramatic and strange roles, seems like the perfect fit for a comedy horror film that centers on Dracula’s henchmen. Still, the results are better than anyone expected.

Renfield” has just released its trailer, showing a version of Dracula that has never been seen before.

©Courtesy of Universal
Nicolas Cage as Dracula

The trailer is focused on Nicholas Hoult, who plays Renfield, the lead of the story. While Renfield is a character based on the classic novel written by Bram Stoker, this interpretation of the story is set in modern times. The trailer shows Renfield in New Orleans, trying to start a new life and attending a group meeting, where he announces that he needs to leave a toxic relationship. Once he starts talking about his horrible boss, group members start pitchcing in with stories of their own, noting the similarities. t

While Dracula’s presence is teased throughout the trailer, it isn’t until the end of the clip that he makes an appearance, showing off a creepy take on the character that’s still humorous and weird, fitting the mood of the film. Cage’s Dracula speaks in a throaty voice and is more ridiculous than scary, making for an instantly memorable version of the legendary vampire.

“What makes it super fun is that it’s a comedy,” said Cage in an interview with Variety. “And when you get that tone right — comedy and horror — like ‘American Werewolf in London,’ it’s a blast.”

“Renfield” stars Cage, Hoult and Awkwafina, and is directed by Chris McKay, who previously directed “The Lego Batman Movie.” It premieres in theaters this April 14.

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