Trick Daddy – Source: Ivan Apfel / Getty
Trick Daddy is doubling down on claims he isn’t African-American because he hasn’t visited Africa.
Sometimes we have low expectations for people and somehow they still find ways to make us laugh. For some reason, Trick Daddy decided to tackle the topic of the term African-American being used in the United States and ridiculously claimed that he couldn’t be African-American because he hadn’t visited the continent.
“I’m trying to figure out how ‘Afro’ get in front of my mother-f**king race,” Trick Daddy says in the clip. “I never been to Africa. Afro or Africa, never been there. I’m not from Africa.”
Trick Daddy’s stance isn’t a new topic on the internet but the logic is comical. If not visiting Africa wasn’t enough of a case, he cited his mother never mentioning Africa as backup evidence.
“[I] ain’t never went to Africa, ain’t thinking about going there,” he continued. “And I heard it’s a beautiful place, yes. And I know it’s the motherland, yes. But not my mother, not her mother, and not her mother’s mother, that ain’t their land. Americans’ real true land is right here, on U.S. soils.”
Trick’s flawed logic continued with him stating that his grandmother never mentioned Africa as well which was supposed to be the mic drop on the topic to strangers on social media.
“My grandmother ain’t never tell me not one mother-f**king story about Africa. I don’t know nothing about Africa—all I know is the only African people I run into, they think they better than us over here,” Trick said. “So what you [inaudible] worried about me saying that I’m not African? I’m just American! What is wrong with you n****s?”
Free speech is the foundation of our country, but perhaps we have some children left behind who use their voices without applying any legitimate research. Hopefully, Trick Daddy secures a partnership with 23&Me who will help put this to rest for him once and for all. If not, we can just enjoy his hilarious reasoning.