Step Off: Anchorman Is Better Than These 14 Classic Movies

Step Off: Anchorman Is Better Than These 14 Classic Movies

Anchorman confronted a bear better than The Revenant

We’ll spare you the gruesome video clip.  Suffice it to say, The Revenant’s Leonardo DiCaprio gets his ass royally kicked by a bear.  We mean, it wasn’t even close!  If there’s ever a rematch, put all the mortgage money on the bear and thank us later.  

The Channel 4 News Team, on the other hand, more than holds its own against multiple beasts.  Brian Fontana gets in a few good licks and Champ is no worse for wear after getting tossed around by a unfriendly creature.  And to the brave Brick Tamland, a bear is no more threatening than a furry tractor.

Apatow Productions

In the end, it’s Baxter (again, much better than Marley) showing Leonardo that the best way to defeat a bear is to befriend it.  

Apatow Productions

There’s a lesson there for all of us.

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Top image: Apatow Productions

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