SSSniperwolf calls out YouTuber over claims she “doesn’t shower”

SSSniperwolf calls out YouTuber over claims she “doesn’t shower”

SSSniperwolf has fired back at Nerd City after he made controversial claims about her personal hygiene in a video.

On March 2, Nerd City uploaded a 55-minute YouTube video titled “SSSniperwolf doesn’t shower,” where he alleged that the content creator intentionally avoids bathing.

At the start of his video, he speculated about SSSniperwolf’s hygiene habits, referencing old clips where she wore wigs and discussed her hair. “Our sources believe it’s been more than a month since the last time she bathed,” he stated.

“A long time ago, on a computer I’d probably throw away, I remember there were some visuals of dirty hair. She was, like, pulling her hair out to the side and backlighting it, like a spiderweb. And I also remember a makeup tutorial where she was drawing eyebrows on top of last night’s makeup.”

He continued: “This is a strikingly intentional choice not to bathe. More than nine out of every 10 days, no shower. Throughout the entire span of her YouTube career.”

SSSniperwolf hits back at claims she doesn’t shower

The video quickly went viral, drawing both criticism and support for Nerd City’s remarks. However, SSSniperwolf did not stay silent, taking to X on March 5 to address the allegations.

“A grown man made an hour long video obsessing over whether I shower,” the popular YouTuber wrote. “I’m not making a ‘proof’ video for u, weirdo pervert.”

She followed up with additional context, accusing Nerd City of an unhealthy fixation. “Backstory: He has dedicated several months if not years of his life watching my videos to take anything I say out of context in an attempt to diagnose me.

“This level of fixation is unsettling to dedicate that much time to a person you have never met or even interacted with.”

At the time of writing, Nerd City has not publicly addressed the content creator’s X posts.

This isn’t the first time SSSniperwolf has responded to a YouTuber’s accusations. In 2024, she pushed back against MoistCr1TiKaL’s claims that she had issued a copyright strike against a smaller channel.

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